Then Andy was following her turn to cry. Hey, dear Andy, You are a man. Should't care the loss. Why like the lady to cry? Why don't put your hope for next game?
By the first time. He is cleaning his right eye's tear
By the first time. He is cleaning his right eye's tear
When you couple lost, I am the big winner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
So Andy. I told your that never loss your hope. At this time, you were lossing only small number. Then you were show up your nice smile. Good boy.
Why I point to Marlany? Because she always cut my way to loss my chance to win. bad girl Marlany!
Then she is happy!!!!!!!!!!!

See. Of her ruthless idea. Then the big numbers made me to be the lost.
See. Of her ruthless idea. Then the big numbers made me to be the lost.
This time. It was my turn to crying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please listen my piano music it call" The thankful is from my heart to fly to you"
Thanks for your kindness friendship. It is brighting our senset life. It is the big gift from God's hands. Thanks again for this wonderful evening.