Saturday, May 9, 2009
My strong fist
Saturday, February 7, 2009
The fun night
By the first time. He is cleaning his right eye's tear
So Andy. I told your that never loss your hope. At this time, you were lossing only small number. Then you were show up your nice smile. Good boy.
See. Of her ruthless idea. Then the big numbers made me to be the lost.

Monday, December 10, 2007
Merry Christmas !
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Thanksgiving holiday in Kingston
This is a young couple's idea and hard work's great resuil!
Janice's parents. Jada's grandparents.
Do you know what he is doing? He wants to hide himself in this wood kitchen.
THEN HE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Head to Buenos Aires in Argentina
I was standing on the peak of Andes! The whole world was under my view! I could see the people are climbing up and down in the Eiffel Tower in paris. The fish are swimming in the nile River in Africa. The travellers are walking on the great wall in China. A 102 years old man who is looking like my violin teacher Mr. Armand binot is riding the wild elephant in the forest in India and playing his violin .Ka Kei & Rebecca are eatting their supper by their new fireplace. in vancouver. Ka Hay is running at the downtown to catch the bus.Then she jump in to the the time her body is in the bus,but her right foot is out of the bus door's crack. Then she is yelling:"Hey, please stop! My right shoes was falling off my foot and droped out on the road! Driver! let me to get off. I have to get my shoe! Oh my poor girl Ka Hay, I am very sure that you must be late to work! Ka Yu & Janice are dancing at their kitchen with Jada.( Dear Jada Sea Yuen, Mah MAh is very missing you .I will buy the beautiful dance shoes from Argentina back to you.) Simon is finding his work shoes to go to work.( I did not tell him that I borrow it. Sorry Simon. You may have my dance shoes. Even it would fit your half foot, but that better then you have barefoot to work) I could see Ka Hung is playing the guitar , Mel and Dante are singing to wait for I arrive! I could see any thing with you are laughing when you read my blog. Thanks for your time to laugh with me.Life is so beautiful! Always keep laugh, then you may have good health and smart mind!
I learned that way was from my Chinese old tradition to carry my very heavy luggage.Even though I never did it of my life.It was little easy -going to carry Dante's new year gift to walk down .So, some time we shell keep our old tradition to help us to get over the hard time.
I had to across the great Marsh before arrived to the capital B.A of Argentina.Simon's work shoes were pasting on the ground mud more then 38 time and to say " Bye Bye to my barefeet.but I was still keep my happy mood to keep on my trip.Because I did get the shoes out off the mud and wear on it to walk.and the B.A was infront for me.I could smell the B B Q donkey from Ka Hung's kitchen.
Before I arrived to B.A. I would like to play this swing before I meet Dante.Because I didn't want to here he said that:" Dear Mah MAh.I never know that a old lady can play the swing after she done 13,000km walk trip.How old are you Mah MAh?" Every one shell know that ladies's age is a big secret.I don't want to tell Dante my true age. But I would like to tell you that I was born in 1876.( How good is your math?)
Oh! Thank you God!!!! I arrived in B.A.!!!!! I did the great record for this world. who could walk with 200lb luggage to across half world? Who could use 6 days to carry that life turkeys, ducks, fish ...with the unfit big shoes from Canada to Argentina?So, even though I was so tire. I would like to ask myself that:" Is it very truly? Is it a happy dream?Whre am I? At the Avondale street in Wallaceburg or Ka Hung's house in Argentina?" I don't know the right answer. Do you know?
OH! Too tire!!! I couldn't standing up!!!!!I had to pray to God to help me to finish the last step. Then I could knock Ka Hung's house door.Only one more minute, then I could have the B.B.Q donkey meat for my empty stomach.Then I hear Dante's voice from the house window:" Keep on walking, my dear Mah MAh! Only one more step and one more minute!you are agreat lady in this world! No one can do that job what you did!!!!!"
I was at Ka Hung's house!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Home, sweet home!!!!
Would you like to share my this bottle of brandy to celebrate my HAPPY GREAM done?Thank you very much for your time,your beautiful mind and happy mood to sing the FANTASIA with my sunset life.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
On the road again
By that time the sky was so blue.Such a sky I never did see.I would tie it up with a ribbon, and put it in my luggage to bring home.Then I would keep it as a treasure to last my sunset life long.
I climb up on the peak of Andes!!!!!!!!. I was crossing the Borader of Chile and Argentina. Hello Argentina!!!!! Bye Bye Chile! I could see Dante's smile and hear he said that:" Dear Mah MAh. Welcome to Argentina! Climb down the mountain Andes with my turkeys!!!!!. We are waiting for your new year's gift!!!!!!! I will teach you to dance of Argentina tango!"